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本视频是 CH-CH的虚拟体验. Access the full CH-CH虚拟体验 to see over seven hours of video, 即将到来的现场活动, 还有更多.
参加SAS的学生将发展成为熟练的, confident learners who can independently advocate for themselves as they successfully complete high school and move on to college.

Skills & 学术策略(SAS)

The 技能与学术策略 Department (SAS) provides an individualized program of support and strategies so that students can successfully meet the challenges of work in high school and beyond. The SAS curriculum focuses on the specific academic skills and strategies needed for success in high school and college. SAS学习专家与学生合作,使他们:

  • 加强执行功能技能
  • 能适应不同的教育环境
  • 实施学术策略
  • 培养自我宣传技能
  • 把自己理解为一个学习者

SAS is taken as a scheduled class which meets during the academic day, 作为学生正常课程表的一部分,每周三次. Each class includes group discussion of study strategies and skills, 比如记笔记, 教科书阅读, 测试准备, 计算机知识, 和解决问题, with ample time reserved for students to work on their individual class assignments. 学生与教师的比例从不超过4:1, SAS learning specialists are able to address individual student needs in a personal and friendly setting.


学习风格量表: Each student at CH-CH completes a “learning style inventory” in order to help the students and their teachers unlock appropriate learning strategies. 

个人学习概况SAS深入发展 个人学习概况 for all CH-CH的学生. These documents are shared with faculty and promote creative lessons that engage students’ strengths. 

执行职能发展: Executive function development work at CH-CH includes work on planning, 优先级, organizing, 认知的改变, and self-monitoring skills that allow intellectually capable adolescents to mature into effective independent learners.

支撑层: SAS coordinates its work with the work classroom teachers are doing, 为学生提供层层支持. 

监测他们的进展学生的课堂进度由SAS老师监控, and the student’s work in the SAS classroom is adjusted accordingly.

实时的实践: SAS overlays executive functioning skill development on top of the core curriculum, 这样学生就可以实时练习真正的技能. 

演变与进步: The SAS program evolves to meet the skills development of students as they progress from grade to grade.




  • Zuri Ball的照片

    Zuri Ball 

    西蒙斯大学- B.A.英国文学
  • 玛丽莎·特拉西的照片

    Marissa Terrasi 

    弗雷明汉州立大学- B.A.、文科
    瑞吉斯学院- M.A.、教育
  • 伊丽莎白·罗森摄

    Elizabeth Rosen 

    罗杰威廉姆斯大学- B.A.、通信
  • 贝卡·拉科斯特的照片

    Bekah LaCoste 

    技能和学术策略教师; Theater Teacher
    纽约大学- B.S.、教育剧场
  • Ericka Berman摄

    Ericka Berman 

    10th Grade Dean; 技能和学术策略教师
    恩迪科特学院- B.S.、沟通
    Mercyhurst University - Graduate Certificate, Organizational Leadership
距离波士顿10英里, 教堂山-昌西堂(CH-CH)是一所私立学校, 7-12年级的大学预科和寄宿学校. CH-CH培养智力勇气, 创造性的野心, and unwavering empathy that drives students to achieve their best.
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